
Hello, and thanks for visiting entanglednucleons.net, a website designed to share ideas about atomic structure and behavior, focusing on the nucleus.  This website describes a model of atomic structure that varies significantly from widely accepted models of atomic energy systems. The purpose of this website is to share ideas in hopes they may spark ideas in others that lead to new discoveries and useful applications.

Perhaps the most controversial part of this hypothetical model of the atom is that neutrons are not constituent parts of the nucleus.  Instead, nucleons consist of particles of different sizes due to variations in gravitational energy gradient strength and entangled relationships between and among atomic particles.  This site will be updated periodically.  It is one of three websites that build on each other.  The first website is entangledenergy.net, and provides the framework for the atomic model  described on this site.  A third website, entangledstardust.net, describes how particles may be born and propagate, and how elementary energy systems and large energy systems may behave and interact.

This model of the atom is governed by the interactions of entanglement and the gravitational energy gradient near and within the atomic nucleus. It is also based on the formation of bosonic or fermionic energy levels that are governed by the size and number of nucleons occupying the orbitals of a given energy level. The structures formed by the nuclear orbitals of a given energy level govern the net spin of that energy level, and the net spins of all the nuclear energy levels result in the total net spin of the nucleus.